Monday – Saturday 9:00am – 4:00pm
Sunday & Public Holidays 9:00am – 3:00pm
Public Holiday Opening Hours May Vary
Monday – Saturday 9:00am – 4:00pm
Sunday & Public Holidays 9:00am – 3:00pm
Public Holiday Opening Hours May Vary
Birdbaths are a fabulous addition to any outdoor space. Not only does a birdbath provide a focal point for a front or backyard, but it is also encouraging our local birdlife! Minimal or adorned, chalice or tree-like, we have a huge range of birdbaths available for you to browse. If you are looking for the perfect birdbath in Perth, you will find it at Down To Earth Garden Supplies. Or you might just be looking at options out there and not committed to purchasing one just yet. To help you in your research, these are some of the reasons we love birdbaths in Perth.
Helping out our flying friends
Birdbaths primarily give birds a spot to groom and clean themselves. Birds need to do this daily to keep their feathers looking good! They dampen their feathers to loosen the dirt, making them easier to preen. In a birdbath, a bird will delicately rearrange its feathers and spread oil from its preen gland. This oil works to keep their feathers waterproof and traps a layer of air underneath to keep them warm. Talk about multitasking! Birdbaths are essential for this preening all year round and keep our flying wildlife hydrated!
Birds can easily overheat in hot summer months due to their thick coat of feathers which keeps them warm. When the temperature reaches over 37 degrees celsius, they can begin to overheat! Without water or shade, it is hard for birds to stay alive in these conditions. So by adding a birdbath into your outdoor space, you are doing your bit to protect our local birdlife.
Set up a birdbath under some shaded cover, like a low tree or shrub, so birds are more likely to use it. When the birdbaths are in a cooler spot, there will be less evaporation and reduce the chances of algae growth. If the bowel is quite deep, some birds will be too scared to approach it. You can add a perching spot for small birds by placing some rocks in the middle or along the edges of the bowl.
Position it in a spot you can see easily, and just wait for the local birds to notice! Please take a look at our extensive range of birdbaths below or come take a look in person. We are sure if you want a birdbath, you won’t leave our store empty-handed!
Showing 1–16 of 45 results