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Garden Feature Ideas

You’ve decked out the house. Each room is specially curated and reflects your style. It’s time to take that effort and give some stylin’ to your outdoor space. Often the backyard is the most overlooked when it comes to design. Once you have all the practical landscaping parts sorted, what’s the first step for designing your yard?

Choosing a garden feature!

Every purposeful outdoor space needs a garden feature. Just like every space needs a focal point, the area looks disjointed and random without one. A garden feature pulls focus, encourages flow and ties all outdoor elements into one. To get the creative juices flowing, Down To Earth is going to run you through our favourite garden feature ideas you can get stuck into this weekend.


At Down To Earth Garden Supplies, we think birdbaths should be a staple in everyone’s backyard. Birdbaths provide our native birdlife with protection from predators, a place to bathe and a watering hole to drink. Not only do they support the local ecosystem and look fabulous, but bird baths will also provide entertainment as birds flock in to bask in their new oasis.

Water features

If you invest in a water feature for your outdoor space, the possibilities are endless. There are space-saving wall water features, fountains, ponds and waterfalls. Whichever you choose, tranquility and calm are assured. Opting for water as your garden feature of choice boasts a level of luxury; why not enjoy your space even more?


Now we aren’t talking about your outdoor furniture, this isn’t a garden feature idea. We are talking about stone, statue benches which are statement pieces in themselves. With a gorgeous stone bench, you can curate ornaments and statues in the same hue to complement and create a reflection garden within your outdoor space. Where you can sit and brainstorm your next garden feature idea.

Rock garden

A cost-effective yet transformative DIY garden feature idea you can complete this weekend is adding a rock garden to your existing outdoor space. The rugged appearance of rocks adds a grounding, earthy appeal. Whether you use large boulders to outline a water feature or smaller stones to create a more Japanese, zen garden look, we stock the stones, pebbles and rocks to get you there. Start browsing rock garden inspiration on Pinterest, taking note of which succulents work best amongst rocks and start planning!

At Down To Earth Garden Supplies, we stock the landscaping and garden supplies for your next garden feature transformation. From birdbaths to water features, statues and ornaments, to pebbles and stone, our extensive range of landscaping goods in Perth is your one-stop shop for garden feature ideas.

Tame your garden

Are you looking for expert advice on getting your garden up to scratch? Are you starting a new landscaping project but you need some help or need a reliable stockist of the garden variety? Then reach out to our team and we will help you get your garden in order.

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